Open Home:

We value open home as a Christian Responsibility, to nurture people through Spiritual and Physical needs, and practised up to one’s capacity.


We value discipleship by nurturing relationships to help people build their faith in Jesus and become Christlike.


We value generosity to bless the body of Christ and others in order to expand the kingdom of God and display the love of Christ.


We believe that God has made us and the Church as whole ‘Stewards’ of His creation and the many resources (talents, wisdom, knowledge, skills, finances, etc) he has blessed with. We need to exercise our rights and responsibilities diligently.


We value and teach that the local church plays a significant part in our lives in knowing and growing in Christ.


We believe that the Great Commission is a commandment and at the heart of God’s work .  Church is empowered and responsible to fulfil the Great Commission locally, nationally, and internationally.

Gospel Centred:

We value Gospel Centred teaching and preaching. We believe in Gospel centred living and conduct as it redeems us, gives us a hope and a future.


We seek to teach, inspire, motivate, challenge, and encourage each member of the body of Christ to pray and grow in their relationship with God daily.


We value training and equipping. We equip through modelling and providing opportunities to develop and build individuals in all that God has purposed for them that is evidently seen and that which is concealed.

Church Planting:

We value Church planting as one of our core principles. We believe in expanding God’s Kingdom, biblical beliefs, values, and teachings to people in and around the city, state, nationally and internationally.


We believe that Godly character above natural gifts, talents, and abilities is the key to success in life and ministry.  Our goal is to help build godly character into the lives of all members of The Church as they pursue their destiny in God.


We seek to equip the congregation to take leadership, ownership and be involved within their Church and their community.  We believe that leadership is both a gift and a skill. We define and equip leaders to serve those around us.

The Next Generation:

We value, invest into, and support at every level the children’s ministry, youth ministry, college and young professional ministry, as well as any and all related ministries and strategies that develop the next generation of our church.


We value diversity in relationships. We welcome people from all strata, nationalities, languages, personalities, and backgrounds into our community. We cherish differences and diversities as it brings a unique flavour in togetherness.


We value being Radical. We embrace unique ideas to work and expand the Kingdom of God. We challenge accustomed mindsets and renew perspectives to the current developments.


We value integrity, and genuiness. Transparency enables God to work with individuals and deliver them from all bondages and strongholds, setting them free to live a fruitful life.


We value unity and team spirit. We work together for the expansion of the Kingdom of God because we are the body of Christ and Christ is the head of this body. We believe in accepting individuals with their uniqueness, so that we give glory to God through our diversity in being united.


We value teaching and carry out meticulous teaching from the scriptures. We believe every individual can be taught truths about God and grow in kingdom mindset.

Relational and Fellowship:

We value relationship, we invest into building meaningful relationships and a sound community which is united in spirit and being. We value fellowships and coming together as a wider spiritual family. We love meeting up on regular intervals, get involved in healthy discussions to explore more about God.